Sunday, August 8, 2010

Movie Review 10: The Bounty Hunter (2010)

Gerard Butler and Jennifer Aniston! I love them! But.......

Who told me to watch two action comedies on the same night. This movie was good, predictable but again just for those people who want to be entertained for 111 minutes. A slight bit of romance where Gerard gets the pleasure of bringing his bail-skipping ex-wife Jenifer to jail.

Yes you've seen it all in the trailer! I hate movies like that. I pretty much just waisted two hours of my life there was no twist, no dramatic ending and definitely nothing you couldn't have guessed without watching the trailer hence this movie was just for laughs and a good time waister. I do however enjoy the acting, it was quite good but these are also A-list actors so I don't expect any worst, it just makes you wonder why did they even sign up to do such a boring movie.

My Rating 5/10

Movie Review 09: The Losers (2010)

Good little action movie, slightly predictable and I hate it when you can tell a movie is trying to set up for a part two. They left two matters unresolved and clearly setting you up to watch the next. Zoe Saldana was great after seeing her in avatar I really wanted to enjoy some more natural skin from Zoe and that she gave us in this movie. The plot is your typical pinky and the brain plot that's where the slightly predictable comes in. I love how they get actors from different backgrounds to work together though because this cast was quite a-list and they have have that certain chemistry on screen.

Starting off in Bolivia, then on to Miami and the Mexico border and finish off in California the movie is really action packed with a lot of explosions and meaningless comedy but if you looking for a 2010 comedy action movie I actually would recommend it. Not much more to say on it thus my rating for this movie would actually be a :


Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Cove

Movie Review 09: The Cove

This documentary was an eye opener to the reality in Taiji Japan a small town on the south eastern side of Japan. As the director describes this town 'The twilight zone' because to the naked eye you would think that this town loves dolphins, as they have so many structures built with dolphin pictures logos and flags. From the public transportation boat designed in the shape of a dolphin to the dolphin museum in Taiji, one would never know that the town had a deep dark secret that they were responsible for the killing of approximately 23,000 Dolphins per year. It doesn't sound like genocide but for me personally I could not bare the sight of one fisherman killing one dolphin much less ten, much less 100, worst in the thousands. So 23 thousand dolphins a year is a large number, it makes it seem as if the fishermen are the Nazi's and the dolphins are the Jews. Simply put what is happening out there is sick, just sick.

The documentary couldn't even explain in full detail why exactly are these dolphins being killed as there is no real economic and political reason why these dolphins are being killed as the meat from the dolphins is filled with mercury which can be lead to mercury poison which is a slow painful killer of humans, so the reason could not be for the resale of dolphin meat. It really makes you question what their motive is. One person in the documentary did point out however the dolphins feed on smaller fish, which the fishermen catch and when the dolphins eat them it cuts down the supply of commercial fish but that to me is still not a plausible reason for the slaughtering of so many dolphins per year.

The meat from the dolphin has zero demand even if you were not moved by the mercury story people simply just do not want dolphin meat, if you went to Tokoyo and asked the average Japanese person if they have ever ate Dolphin meat they would probably ask you if people eat that kind of meat, which goes to show there is no real demand for it.

Concentrated in about five specific coves these fisherman have specific times of the year in which they go out lure the Dolphins into the cove using a special technique of banging metals rods under the water which in turn scares the dolphins into swimming on shore at which point they gather in boats and using a sharp iron rod they poke the dolphins till they puncture a body part or they bleed to death.

The blood from the slaughter made the water red, a sea of blood, its sick to see that people get away with these inhumane activities and don't feel any remorse. I literally was about to cry, it's sad that the dolphins cannot help themselves to swim away from such cruelty. I commend the creators of this documentary, even though they had to break many laws to get this footage it was necessary to expose what is happening in Taiji to the rest of the world and I strongly hope some great 'Save the dolphins' solution can become of this.

All in all the documentary was great, good introduction, good story, great delivery.

I would rate this documentary a 8/10

Movie Review 08: Paris Je T'aime

Just like New York, I love you as you can see this is the same name but just a different city. I really wanted to watch this movie and lucky for me it was available On Demand. So your probably wondering why I never downloaded it well I did and I searched for a link online but none of them were English. The On Demand version had English sub-titles. It was longer than New York, I love you running more than two hours but it was well worth it I wish it was longer. It goes deeper than New York, and much more detailed information. It makes you grow fond of each of their characters to the point where your disappointed where your not sure what happens next because you don't get enough time on each.

It brought out different districts and different types of people from successful couples who are getting a divorce to garage sweepers who have been robbed and fired from his job. It shows you a small glimpse into the world of the lonely tourist, the curious tourist, the painter, the doctor, the actors, the young, the old, the married, the engaged, the romantics, the bitter, the Asians, the Hindus, the Africans, the Americans and every one else in between. Great film I love the love of the city and it's a romantic alive city after watching that film it really reinforces my love for Paris and everything French and just makes me want to pick up myself and go. Like they said je t'aime pari!

Movie Review 07: New York, I love you

This director has a specific style, he has one goal and that is to show you a brief window into the life's of many different kinds of people in New York City and he does it in a new way where he doesn't tie it all together in the end thus it's one of those movies where your introduced to someone and three minutes later your attached to them but five minutes later your so caught up with the next character you don't even remember the last. It continues like that for the whole movie. Please don't get me wrong I love it. It was great how he did that I loved it so much it made me watch Paris, Je Taime which is the same director same name same movie same goal different city and different people. It's one of those movies you just love because it shows you so many different types of people and makes you appreciate the city and the little things, like someone smoking a cigarette, or your local pharmacist, even your city's pick pocket. But my favorite was the wife who used that meet and greet of a random stranger outside of a restaurant seduced him to the point where he was trying to kiss her and then you realized their not strangers and she was talking about him, her husband, it was so bad (naughty) and so good (appealing) to watch. I hope he took her home and screwed her brains out after. Still a very nice well put together never seen before type of movie. I will review Paris, Je Taime after this.

One last thing because the characters were all over the place you had from Jews, professors, prostitutes, prom dates, butlers with hunch backs, actors, singers, dancers, maids, upper east siders, cab drivers pretty much everyone you can think of in new york was featured, except black people but I'll leave that for another day.

My rating 7.5/10

Movie Review: Havoc (2005)

This movie was interesting to say the least. It began a bit shaky but with good reason, it started out with horrible acting, bad accents and people all trying too hard I thought the movie was going to continue like this but it was a vital point towards the end. Anna Hathway who's done Princess Diary's to Devil Wears Prada and even dated a representitive of the pope chose such a sketchy role were simple she just was not real, but I think she needed to go through all of that to help her grow, clearly she was a curious girl to say the least but she also was quite smart. I guess some people need excitement in their seemingly perfect material world. Her boyfriend who from an early stage realized to be just a boy and not the gangster he thought he was, was pretty disturbing to watch. His acting similar to the movie white boys. Painful. Someone died in the end but it was so insignificant at that point because the madness that was the movie already took a turn for good.
All I can say though is Anne should have kissed her friend, because clearly she loved her more than anything, maybe its not all about the sexual attraction, even though it was there, in the end all that really matters is that you stay true to yourself know your limits and defend what you believe in.

Not the best film but decent drama. I can say though I definitely want to watch Havoc 2.

My rating 6/10

Andre Z. South

Friday, August 6, 2010

Schindler's List (1993)

Ok. I can type for days about how epic this movie is, so I won't. I will say however, tonight was the first time I watched it. I sat and watched it from start to finish, replaying the parts I didn't hear properly and almost cried a few times in the film. So let me sum it up for you in less than a hundred words:

Steven Spielberg directed, John Williams composed, set in 1939 Nazi Ruled Germany, Complete classic, gruesome but I believe it's a movie everyone once they old enough should watch to educate people on the cruel world that was the Nazi Ruled Germany. It was horrible. Oscar Schindler, I commend you yet at the same time despised you. This is one of those movies I will be watching a third, fourth and fifth time. Set in Black and white a girl in a red coat was the only highlighted colour person in the whole entire movie. Great movie, great music a perfect 10 on my list.

My Rating 10/10 - Perfect

Remember Me

I'm such a sucker for movies,

I went into this movie thinking that it was not going to be that great and I was just watching it just to be able to say that yes I've watched Remember Me, but to my surprise it was quite good. I really enjoyed it although towards the end I found myself saying but all is well with the world why is the movie continuning as the conflicts and drama was all over but the end which no one who went into this movie if they knew nothing about it could predict it was great. I loved the ending the ending made the movie for me. It's such a sad story but such a good story. All in all many great actors and I thought Robert Patterson did an excellent job as Tyler, it's funny how were the same age yet I personally feel inferior to him. He was a rebel a guy without a plan, with superb charm and lungs of a chimney.

At least they tied everything together in the end and it shows you how life can be sometimes as Ghandi says whatever we do is insignificant, but it is important we do it.

My rating 7/10
Thursday, August 5, 2010

Movie Review 06: The Boy in The Striped Pyjamas

What a great film.

Set in Nazi ruled Berlin, a family who had two children a little boy who is eight and a daughter who is twelve were living quite comfortably in the heart of Berlin during this time but it begins with the boy's dad a highly ranked solider who got a promotion to run a Nazi death camp, had to move out of the city and closer to the camp. The boy who was an explorer officially lost his childhood cut off from his old friends no chance to make new friends and restricted to playing in the front of the yard as the death camp was within a few mile from his backyard it's only natural what happens next.

A few things in it made me really sad especially when you saw the black smoke in the air and solider said "They smell even worst when their dead," it makes you wonder and even how the scholar was so caught up in the teachings of the Nazi regime I guess if you control the press and media you can control the average mind but I loved the fact that despite what was going on the women still knew what was morally right from wrong it was sickening what they did and she had enough sense to both say thank you and not be tolerative of the husbands decisions. Excellent movie I'm really glad I watched it.

My rating 8.75/10 - Great Film!


