Friday, August 6, 2010

Remember Me

I'm such a sucker for movies,

I went into this movie thinking that it was not going to be that great and I was just watching it just to be able to say that yes I've watched Remember Me, but to my surprise it was quite good. I really enjoyed it although towards the end I found myself saying but all is well with the world why is the movie continuning as the conflicts and drama was all over but the end which no one who went into this movie if they knew nothing about it could predict it was great. I loved the ending the ending made the movie for me. It's such a sad story but such a good story. All in all many great actors and I thought Robert Patterson did an excellent job as Tyler, it's funny how were the same age yet I personally feel inferior to him. He was a rebel a guy without a plan, with superb charm and lungs of a chimney.

At least they tied everything together in the end and it shows you how life can be sometimes as Ghandi says whatever we do is insignificant, but it is important we do it.

My rating 7/10


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