Saturday, August 7, 2010

Movie Review: Havoc (2005)

This movie was interesting to say the least. It began a bit shaky but with good reason, it started out with horrible acting, bad accents and people all trying too hard I thought the movie was going to continue like this but it was a vital point towards the end. Anna Hathway who's done Princess Diary's to Devil Wears Prada and even dated a representitive of the pope chose such a sketchy role were simple she just was not real, but I think she needed to go through all of that to help her grow, clearly she was a curious girl to say the least but she also was quite smart. I guess some people need excitement in their seemingly perfect material world. Her boyfriend who from an early stage realized to be just a boy and not the gangster he thought he was, was pretty disturbing to watch. His acting similar to the movie white boys. Painful. Someone died in the end but it was so insignificant at that point because the madness that was the movie already took a turn for good.
All I can say though is Anne should have kissed her friend, because clearly she loved her more than anything, maybe its not all about the sexual attraction, even though it was there, in the end all that really matters is that you stay true to yourself know your limits and defend what you believe in.

Not the best film but decent drama. I can say though I definitely want to watch Havoc 2.

My rating 6/10

Andre Z. South


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