Thursday, February 11, 2010

Movie Review 01: Leap Year (2009)

So this is the first of my blog posts which will start my movie reviews. If any one out there has any clue who I am they will know about my second half her name I shall leave out of this post but the significance of me bringing her up before my first review of my movie post is that she will be relived to know that I have substituted her as the forum which I express my thoughts about the movies I watch, duly note I watch a lot of movies so for that I think she will be grateful.

Also my reviews aren't just reviews, it's both my ideas and thoughts from watching the movie and where did I get this idea from? A movie! Julie & Julia!

On to leap year now...

So girl in picture, first name Amy last name Adams she's kind of a big deal but I loved her in this movie she was pretty awesome as Anna. The girl who pretty much has it all the perfect job the perfect boyfriend and about to get the perfect apartment with her perfect boyfriend. Truth be told there so many Anna's out there that the movie seemed so boring to me it's almost as if you can predict what is going to happen. Girl has guy, guy suppose to propose but guy doesn't so girl gets sad, guy doesn't know so guy goes away on business without caring and girl runs after him.. so predictable? Yes! But for leap year this is where the movie begins when she's running him down and ends up very far and has to go on a journey to get to her boyfriend. Because she doesn't do this journey alone you get to see the story unfolds little perfect American girl with Mr. I don't care Irish boy, seriously think they end up together? They definitely sound like the cultural differences would get in the way but you'd have to watch the movie to see how it all ends but good movie by them all funny little twists towards the end is why I give it a 7 out of 10.

Nothing more because it's still kind of predictable.


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