Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Step into my world

A day at Syracuse University:

Today wasn't a typcial day. I learnt a lot today.

Between 1930 and 1940 many universities in the United States feel compelled to educate they're students about the current crisis they were in "The great depression." These lectures which was followed by interactive discussions were formally called "Teachings." So 2009, today, the world is in global economic hardship and the United States is in a recession and luckly for me the decided to have a forum here at Syracuse to educate us on the current situation.

My professor for my World Economics course recommended to me that I should attend, and just because my enthusiasm in financial markets and the economic position of the US I couldn't miss this for anything. Well personally it was one of the most informative sessions I've ever been to, I am only sorry that it was so short. Six professors all who speicialize in the fields directly related to the crisis gave very excellent lectures on the situation, a little too fast for my pace (undergraduate) but I figured they knew other than my slow ability to process the information, they pretty much had the crowd captivated. In my benefit though I am now able to have a proper discussion about this topic thanks to these professors

(my professor)

(picture I took at the end of the forum)
I will blog about the credit crisis in the future after I've done some more personal research, but leaving the session today its safe to say I felt good and I really felt like I learned a lot by being there and thats a pretty rare feeling. trust me.

periodicals... now this is a typical day lol.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Headlines from across the World


New York

Hong Kong

new york


and of course lol cuba's headline is that the president of Argentina is in there country. lol
Saturday, January 17, 2009

ichiban hayari - JAPAN streets

Your going to find out as time goes by I love Japan and you nor me know why. I just do. They diverse they smart, they're different but yet still so similar. I dont like small houses though!

The funny thing about these people is they're just random kidz. A photographer who wanted to capture tokyo's street fashion just goes on the road n photographs different styles or trends. The girls I can say are quite bold though.

my friends close friend dad's boat

When I was 13 and thought about boat shoes, I thought about old people. 

It's interesting how as we get older we become to be fond of certain things we never thought would appeal to us. But seriously 2008 was definately the year of boat shoes, they really do look good on my feet though and the funny thing is though I personally hate shoes with laces but I guess you can say the only exception is boat shoes. They perfect for casual wear and they make a subtle statement. gripping the shape of your foot perfectly. 

lol call me preppy but I really love the design, impeccable finish, clean and neat detailing and they very comfortable well thats if your into that type of thing. I'm just crazy enough to be wearing my boat shoes in Winter. The question is I wonder what a 13 year old thinks? lol

btw nice khaki cut offs lol I'll save those for a next post. man I can't wait till it's summer again. :)

Friday, January 16, 2009

Just remember you need $

Some say the root of all evil, some say it cannot buy happiness but really think about it, the people that say those things tend to actually have money.

I felt the need to write this post because most people who write newspaper articles also tend to have money.

I dont!

It really grinds my gears sometimes espcially when you see people spending so foolishly. It's not to say that I'm poor but compared to everyone around me I'm pretty much the poorest. Well what can you do other than just hope everything works itself out. That is actually what I'm doing now lol but thats not all.

I am thinking of a master plan and no I am not lying I really am, but first I just need to understand Money and everything there is to know about how the root of all evil works. :)

The Money Shot! Tokyo, Japan. by Ben Ward In Hove.
[Big bills on the yen huh? lol 500 yen coins, thats about five dollars here in the States lol. I wonder why? lol ]

The thing about money is it's really just that thing we use as an accepted means in the exchange of something, So without money then you'd actually have a pretty hard time getting things. So think of yourself right now with no money that pretty much means nothing right? Everyone already knows this but I believe they really take it for granted, take a second to really think about it. Stuck in the middle of the road with not a cent in your name what do you do? Try to sell your talent? Try to get educated then try to make money from what you know? Well simply you need money to do anything in order to make money or get things, so if your flat broke it's going to be pretty challenging to obtain money. I won't lie though it can be done.

Make money money out of nothing lol the Fed does it, but thats a story for another day.

Simply put.

Money might not be able to buy happiness but it damn sure can buy everything else!

