Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Step into my world

A day at Syracuse University:

Today wasn't a typcial day. I learnt a lot today.

Between 1930 and 1940 many universities in the United States feel compelled to educate they're students about the current crisis they were in "The great depression." These lectures which was followed by interactive discussions were formally called "Teachings." So 2009, today, the world is in global economic hardship and the United States is in a recession and luckly for me the decided to have a forum here at Syracuse to educate us on the current situation.

My professor for my World Economics course recommended to me that I should attend, and just because my enthusiasm in financial markets and the economic position of the US I couldn't miss this for anything. Well personally it was one of the most informative sessions I've ever been to, I am only sorry that it was so short. Six professors all who speicialize in the fields directly related to the crisis gave very excellent lectures on the situation, a little too fast for my pace (undergraduate) but I figured they knew other than my slow ability to process the information, they pretty much had the crowd captivated. In my benefit though I am now able to have a proper discussion about this topic thanks to these professors

(my professor)

(picture I took at the end of the forum)
I will blog about the credit crisis in the future after I've done some more personal research, but leaving the session today its safe to say I felt good and I really felt like I learned a lot by being there and thats a pretty rare feeling. trust me.

periodicals... now this is a typical day lol.



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