Saturday, March 13, 2010

iPad now taking Pre-Orders!

Any one out there want an iPad?

Hell Yes!

Any one out there needs an iPad?

ahhm no.

Steve Jobs and his new iPad

That's the typical response from anyone who is obsessed with technology. The new iPad which is set to be released on April 3rd 2010 feature filled but nothing we really need just a very expensive toy some might say or others an over sized iPhone. In my personal opinion I think I'm going to purchase an iPad but just not right now. If history is any indication of the future when the iPhone came out initially it cost $599 and three months later even with it's great reponse from early buyers the prices dropped to $499 and a year later down to $299 oh and by the way the $299 has the most features, but then again some might say by the time it's $299 nobody wants it anymore well that means you didn't really want it in the first place and you could have done without so same said about the iPad.

More than Likely the prices are going to drop and the technology will improve so probably by the end of the year I'll be likely to own one probably on it's second or third updated version of the device, hopefully I'll still be blogging so I can do a post on it's performance and features.

For now so long,
Andre S.


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