Monday, March 1, 2010

Windows Phone 7 Series

Own a Smartphone with Windows Mobile on it?

That’s a thing of the past now.

Since Microsoft has been losing this race to Apple, they haven't seemed to just sit back and watch it happen all over again. Microsoft adopted a new strategy this time around they went straight back to the drawing board and started from scratch designing a new kind of phone with a new set of staff hiring plumbers and painters and people from all different industries to help with the series of phone’s they plan on relasing in order to gain back their share of the Smartphone industry. The initial employees that were working on the older version of Microsoft Windows Mobile have been re-assigned to different areas of Microsoft so as to help give Microsoft a face lift. A new perspective on things.

The newly create phone and OS sports a completely new interface which in its early stages seems to be very attractive and functional compared to original versions of Windows Mobile and they have decided to go with the name "Windows Phone OS 7." The new Smartphone software resembles an electronic butler that tries to anticipate the user’s needs. It automatically taps into the carrier’s data network to pick up appointments, photos and messages from friends, and it presents all this information in a slick fashion.

In my opinion still not going to be the iPhone killer as they're a tad bit too late now, according to Gartner Microsoft lost market share from 11.8 percent to 8.7 percent and with more and more Smartphone’s becoming available this just might turn out to be another case of the Zune!

Just have to wait and see. In the mean time you can watch this little preview of it:


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