Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Movie Review 03: "In the Loop" (2009)

"War is unforeseeable"

and remember "sometimes it's necessary to climb the mountain of conflict." lol.

This funny British comedy is a must see! A movie based on an impeding war and the decisions from Britain's Minister and staff, intertwined with the US Governments secrecy about newly formed committee's. This movie is fast pace and will keep you laughing for the entire film.

The movie's brilliance lies in the fact that they take such grave matters of importance, complicated and sensitive topics such as war and break it down into in home entertainment in a very professional manner without making it a bad comedy. This lies in the roles of the heads of state of both in the US and London, serious people or rather people who should be deemed as serious but break down their layers for us to see how they react as real people, from Minister's who want to masturbate in their hotel room but scared that the media would get a hold of such information to assistants who have never been in a motorcade and shows off their excitement.

The movie brings you back and forth though showing how the media can complicate any matter and also showing you how small problems for ministers can balloon into your career being on the line. After watching this movie though I have came to the conclusion that British people (Don't make the mistake to call them English!) are people of sarcasm and slick talking entertainers. The movie though is filled with profanity but in a funny way.

Quotes from In the loop:

Simon Foster: Judy and I thought I could row back on Question Time, tonight
Malcolm Tucker: You're not going on Question Time tonight, you've been disinvited
Simon Foster: We've been prepping Question Time!
Judy: Why wasn't I told about this?
Malcolm Tucker: Why the fuck would I tell you about it? I've just told you to fuck off twice yet you're still here?
Judy: You should tell me about it as it's a scheduled media appearance by a member of this department and therefore it falls well within my purview!
Malcolm Tucker: Within your 'purview'? Where do you think you are, some fucking regency costume drama? This is a government department, not some fucking Jane fucking Austen novel! Allow me to pop a jaunty little bonnet on your purview and ram it up your shitter with a lubricated horse cock!
Judy: Your swearing does not impress me. My husband works for Tower Hamlets and believe me those kids make you sound like... Angela Lansbury!
Malcolm Tucker: [to Simon] She's married? Poor bastard.

In the Loop which takes some thought because it's not like your regular comedy where you just sit and enjoy the jokes, for a westerner it makes you have to use some brain power to get some of the jokes because at the beginning of the movie you were all for against the war and as the movie progresses you see that their no bad guys only people on the left, and people on the right only a matter of your opinion then you see the people your thought were against the war are pushed into a position that might require them to be for the war where this is all based upon one vote which will take place at the UN headquarters in New York City. The movie has many little snippets in it like a boyfriend being unfaithful or a ministers constituents wall dropping on a civilians property little things that add to the movies entertainment.

My rating 9 out of 10.


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